scavenging across disciplines

Hey! I’m Chris, and welcome to my little internet perch!

My jam, aside from shamelessly shoehorning my initials (CAW) into a crow-themed design schtick, is "scavenging across disciplines."

It's all about scrounging for curious, useful, or shiny new ways of seeing the world. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Inject that $#*! directly into my veins.

Some recent highlights include: finding optimism in puppy chow, what we can learn about failure from leatherworking, and the time I solved masculinity.

So! If any of this raucous nonsense sounds like your cuppa tea, then you should loiter a bit. Maybe embrace the blackbird ways and pilfer a few shiny baubles for yourself, eh?

Also, here's an inconspicuously-placed button.

Email me anytime at "chris" AT "caw" DOT "blog" to say hello!